Inviting New Users

This article provide guidance on inviting new users to Fullcast. Fullcast Users with administrative rights, add other users and manage their privileges in the application. The users can be filtered based on whether they are invited, active, or blocked.

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click the Settings icon (gear) in the navigation bar. 
  3. Click the Users tab. 
  4. Click Add New. 

  1. Select the applicable user. This field can be left blank. 
  2. Enter an active email address for the user. The email address serves as the username. When the user is added with only their email address, without specifying a name, the email ID will be considered as both the name and username. 
  3. Enable Multifactor Authentication (MFA). 
  4. Choose the Persona of the user from the dropdown menu. This field is optional. 
  5. Click Save. 

An invitation is sent to the provided email address. Along with the invitation email, a password reset email is sent. Upon accepting the invitation, the user will set a password and enable MFA. After completing the invitation process, the user’s status changes from invited to active. 

Settings Tab

In the Settings tab under Authentication System, there are two options to select:

  1. Fullcast Database: Here, you can enable or disable Multifactor Authentication and Remember Browser options.
  2. Single Sign-On: In this option, Multifactor Authentication and Remember Browser are not required. If this option is enabled, the following steps occur in order:
  3. You log in using your Fullcast password.
  4. You are redirected to the Salesforce environment, where you log in using your Salesforce credentials.
  5. Finally, you are redirected to the Fullcast Design application.

IP and Country Restrictions

  1. Enter the IP addresses and the country names that need to be denied. 
  2. Enter the IP addresses and the country names that need to be allowed. 

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