Grouping Data in the Grid

Grouping allows you to see all the related records by the column you are grouping by. There are two methods to do so: 

  1. Drag the column you want to group by and drop it on the space where it says Drag a column header here to group by that column.

  2. Alternatively, you can right-click on the column header to group by that column.

Groups created using this method can be expanded to view the records in each respected group created. In the below example, we grouped by Number of Employees - you can expand these groups by clicking on the collapsed groups to see the records belonging to that category for an expanded view. 

When you group by a column, a group summary is generated for:

  1. The number of records that are grouped under each heading.
  2. The sum of the values in each of the numeric columns in the grid.

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