How to distribute targets across the whole hierarchy

  1. Select the Set Targets link. In a new window, you see a list of existing targets set on that node in the hierarchy.
  2. Pick Distribute from the Target Operations Menu, represented by the three-dot icon on the far right of the target entry of your choice.

  3. Fill out the pop-up menu with the distribution method of your choice. Select Next after picking an option from the drop-down menu.
  4. Acknowledge the warning and type in OVERWRITE in the space provided. Select Confirm to complete the action.

Distribution Options

The distribution can occur in the following methods:

  • Do Not Distribute –  the children do not inherit the target from the parent. 
  • Equally – distribute the target equally among the children nodes. 
  • Ratio Based on a Field – take a metric/target, and distribute the target based on the % of the total that each child has. This method can be used to distribute expense targets based on how much revenue each child is contributing.
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