Filtering in the Grid

The purpose of this article is to provide direction in adding and removing filters in the Grid view. Filtering allows you to search and find the specific records you are looking for. Follow the below steps to create a filter and get specific records.

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click Plans and click Manage Accounts under the Territories section.
  3. Below the grid view, click Create Filter.

  1. In the Filter Builder box, select the add icon (plus sign) to start adding conditions or groups of conditions to this filter. 

Notice that once you apply a filter, the Summary Metrics also change to reflect the selected amount of data. 

Steps to remove your filter

  1. Select the filter icon at the bottom of the grid.
  2. Remove the filter conditions.
  3. Select OK.

Now you can see the original set of data. 

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