Create Productivity Profiles

Productivity profiles describe the time it would take for a person in a specific role to become fully productive. They can be ramp-based, which means that productivity will increase in increments over time. A default productivity profile indicates the expected productivity of a person in a specific role. This is useful in planning scenarios where a certain productivity level needs to be assumed.

Steps to create a Productivity Profile on a role:

  1. Under Productivity Profiles, select Add New Productivity Profile.
  2. Select the Type of productivity profile you'd like to build. (E.g., Normal, Transfer, New Hire, etc.)
  3. Enter a Name for the ramp profile.
  4. For the Start Date field, select the date field from the drop-down list. (E.g., Hire date, Start Date)
  5. If you'd like the productivity profile to be ramp-based, you can configure this by selecting the pencil icon under Action.
  6. You'll see a pop-up window. Here, you can define the expected percent productivity by month. Select the +New Month button to add months to the ramp.
  7. Fill out the percent productivity you'd expect for each month.
  8. Select Confirm when finished.
  9. Select Save to add the productivity profile to the role.
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